As part of The Woodland Investment Grant funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund, we are undertaking some essential thinning works to diversify the age structure of the woodland at Treborth. Please observe safety signs and diversions.

News: January 2019

Bangor University scientist receives honorary doctorate from Chilean university

Dr Shaun Russell, Director of Bangor University’s Treborth Botanic Garden , was awarded a ‘doctor honoris causa’ at a ceremony at the Universidad de Magallanes (UMAG) recently. UMAG is located in the city of Punta Arenas on the Straits of Magellan in southern Chile. Dr Russell has been conducting botanical research work in the region for the past 16 years. Tierra del Fuego is a global diversity hotspot for mosses and liverworts, which are classed as bryophytes and Dr Russell’s work on these small but ecologically important plants, contributed directly to the creation of the UNESCO “Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve” there in 2005.

Publication date: 24 January 2019