March 2022


As part of The Woodland Investment Grant funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund, we are undertaking some essential thinning works to diversify the age structure of the woodland at Treborth. Please observe safety signs and diversions.

Len Beer Memorial Lecture - Razvan Chisu

Friends of Treborth Botanic Garden/ Alpine Garden Society

Main Arts Lecture Theatre
Thursday 31 March 2022, 19:00–20:30

This year we are welcoming Razvan Chisu to the Len Beer lecture. The focus of the talk will be plants from the Peloponnese in southern Greece after Razvan has been on excursions to this spectacular region.

Some more information about Razvan and his interests can be found in the links below.

History of the Len Beer Memorial lecture
Len Beer was Curator of Treborth Botanic Garden from 1965 to 1976; he made major developments to the Garden and was also a keen plant hunter. He was appointed Curator of Durham Botanical Garden in 1976, but sadly he died vey prematurely the following year, and this annual lecture series was set up in his memory.

This year the the guest speaker has been organised by the North Wales branch of The Alpine Garden Society but this is a joint event with The Friends of Treborth Botanic Garden. We welcome members and guests from both groups.

Social Distancing
We have organised the lecture to be held within the main arts lecture theatre which has a reduced capicity to allow for social distancing. It is our hope that these measures will encourage you to join the lecture in person. We had a few requests to host a live feed via zoom but being able to host the lecture in such a large space is a real bonus for us and we hope you will join us.

There will be no refreshments this year, again this is to avoid close contact. Please feel free to bring your own.

Masks are optional.

This is a free event but there is a suggested donation of £5 per person.

You can make the donation through your online bank or by sending a cheque to The Treasurer, FTBG, Treborth Botanic Garden, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2RQ.

Payment by BACS - Account Name: Friends of Treborth Botanic Garden, Sort Code: 089299; Account Number 65350999. When you are setting up the payment on your bank account, please give the reference as your initials and surname followed the event e.g. “L.Beer”, (for the Len Beer lecture) e.g “A.B. SMITH L.Beer”, so that we can identify your payment for the event on our bank statement.

Donations are shared between The Alpine Garden Society and The Friends of Treborth.

Thank you.


Arrival Time
The talk will start at 7:30pm but please start to arrive from 7pm.

The date again! Thursday 31st March.

Please come to the main Bangor University building and enter at the main welcome entrance. The lecture theatre is located just inside.

We will request Bangor University to allow parking just outside the welcome entrance.